I have this:
(defn my-page []
"page1.html" ({:articles (map
#(update % :field1 (fn [d] (something.... )))
; how can I call map again to process other fields?
; (map for :field2 .... ???? how?)
; (map for :field3 .... ???? how?)
I want to preprocess other fields also. How can I properly do that? I mean, since I already have the variable :article and function map, how would I do map again for other fields such as :field2 and field3?
Use a threading macro:
(def m {:field1 1
:field2 2
:field3 3})
(-> m
(update :field1 (fn [v1] ...))
(update :field2 (fn [v2] ...))
(update :field3 (fn [v3] ...)))
It's equivalent to:
(update m :field1 (fn [v1] ...))
(fn [v2] ...))
(fn [v3] ...))
You can enclose such logic in a function and use it to map all the articles.