How do I make a structure conform to protocol "Equatable"?
I'm using Xcode 7.3.1
struct MyStruct {
var id: Int
var value: String
init(id: Int, value: String) { = id
self.value = value
var description: String {
return "blablabla"
When I use "MyStruct", Xcode shows the error:
MyStruct does not conform to protocol "Equatable"
Do you have an idea to make MyStruct conform to protocol?
OK, after lots of searching, it's working...
struct MyStruct {
var id: Int
var value: String
init(id: Int, value: String) { = id
self.value = value
var description: String {
return "blablabla"
extension MyStruct: Equatable {}
func ==(lhs: MyStruct, rhs: MyStruct) -> Bool {
let areEqual = == &&
lhs.value == rhs.value
return areEqual
My Struct was in a class, so it didn't work.. I moved this Struct out of my class and now it's good :)