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Fatal: authentication failed for [GIT client]

I use Windows on the clients and I have a stand-alone installation of GitLab-CE (through omnibus package), I'm having problem with authentication but it isn't a server problem, I have the problem only from one client, I can access from other clients without problems then the problem is in this client.

When git needs authentication I get this error:

fatal: Authentication failed for ''

I have created several repos in the server and when I do a push operation where git needs authentication the client shows me the authentication dialog (user and pwd prompt), I write my credentials and I get the same error. I can access to the gitlab frontend using the same credentials but I can't perform push (or clone from private repositories).

I can access only if I put user and password in the remote using:

git remote delete origin
git remote add origin

Then I can access but I don't want to have the password visible in the remote list.

I have tried to write only the user:

git remote delete origin
git remote add origin

Git prompts me for the password but the result is the same:

fatal: Authentication failed for ''

I have clear the credential helper using:

git config --unset credential.helper

And I have erased the credential from Windows Credential Manager ... but I can't find the source of this problem ...

It's a strange behaivor due to I use github and gitlab (online) repositories with no problem.

I have uninstall and reinstall all git client applications (tortoisegit, GitExtension, GitKraken) and uninstall Git but nothing ...

Can you help me? any ideas? What can I do?


  • Ok, I have solved it.

    I have set GIT_CURL_VERBOSE=1 as env variable (as @Jcl says in his comment) and I can see that git connect to proxy:

    * Couldn't find host in the _netrc file; using defaults
    * timeout on name lookup is not supported
    *   Trying
    * Connected to proxy.XXXX.XXX (XX.XX.X.XX) port 8080 (#0)
    > GET HTTP/1.1
    User-Agent: git/
    Accept: */*
    Accept-Encoding: gzip
    Accept-Language: es, *;q=0.9
    Pragma: no-cache

    The git server is internal and don't need to pass through proxy. I have removed the proxy configuration from:

    • Internet Options from IE
    • git config --global --unset http.proxy
    • netsh winhttp proxy

    And I get the same, git connects to the proxy ...

    I have searching for .gitconfig file and I don't find it ...

    Finally I have found a enviroment variable called HTTP_PROXY set on my system and pointed to my proxy ...

    I haven't found information about GIT use this enviroment variable but GIT use it.