I have an infoButton
UIButton outlet in my swift file. This button is originally placed in the storyboard with the following constraints:
I want to move this button down by 50 pixels depending if NoAds
boolean is true or false.
I have tried doing this, but I can't seem to move it.
if NoAds{
print("No Ads")
infoButton.center.y = infoButton.center.y - 50
I assume this should be an easy fix?
EDIT: The ad is a standard google ad banner which is 320 wide and 50 high.
like this:
if NoAds{
print("No Ads")
//topConstraint.constant -= 50
topConstraint.constant = 50 // Avoid using -= or += if this func will call a lot of time
// set the default constant you want
topConstraint.constant = 100