I develop on OSX supporting a huge Flex legacy project. Up until now we have simply used .air
files but now I need to use the NativeProcess
functionality and build the project with captive runtimes.
I haven't worked with adt
before or with command line stuff on Windows so that is going to be my first investigation but as a fallback: is it possible to share a Flash Builder workspace between the OSX and PC versions of Flash Builder?
I use VMWare Fusion for Windows emulation and Flash Builder runs ok but I don't want to screw up my project workspace if there are platform specific stuff which gets written into the workspace.
Anyone done this before?
So the suggestions to use git
are good (as is the exporting FB project suggestion) but I wanted to avoid as much additional code wrangling as I could.
After much tinkering and googling I was able to write the .bat script below which packages the project as a captive runtime AIR app for Windows. I'm running Windows 7 on OSX through emulation with VMWare Fusion. VMWare allows shared folders so I was able to share my OSX Flash Builder workspace directory (not shown in snippet below) and ADT pulls the needed resources from there.
Saving this file with a .bat extension and executing it launches ADT and it builds the project successfully.
@echo off
set CERTIFICATE=yourCertificate.p12
set PW=certificatePassword
set SIGNING_OPTIONS=-storetype pkcs12 -keystore %CERTIFICATE% -storepass %PW%
set SOURCE_ROOT=bin-debug
set APP_XML=%SOURCE_ROOT%\Name-Of-App-app.xml
set DIST_PATH=bin-release
set DIST_NAME=Name-of-App
set FILE_OR_DIR=-e %SOURCE_ROOT%\Name_of_App.swf Name-of-App.swf
set AIR_PACKAGE=adt -package -tsa none %SIGNING_OPTIONS% -target bundle %OUTPUT% %APP_XML% %FILE_OR_DIR% %UTILS_PATH% utils
call adt -version