What makes Assert-VerifiableMocks different from Assert-MockCalled in Pester? I've been reading
but still wonder: are the following sections of code equivalent and interchangeable?
Using Assert-MockCalled:
Mock Invoke-MongoCommmand {}
Set-TargetResource -UserName $test_username -Ensure "Absent"
Assert-MockCalled Invoke-MongoCommand -ParameterFilter {
$Expression -eq "db.dropUser('$test_username')"
Using Assert-VerifiableMocks:
Mock Invoke-MongoCommand {} -Verifiable -ParameterFilter {
$Expression -eq "db.dropUser('$test_username')"
Set-TargetResource -UserName $test_username -Ensure "Absent"
The functionality of Assert-VerifiableMocks
isn't a subset of Assert-MockCalled
it's a disjoint set. With Assert-VerifiableMocks
you can verify many mocks are called at the same time, but as already mentioned you cannot verify any mocks are not called. I have an example below to more fully explain these two differences testing an example 'Get-ValueSum'.
If you notice with Assert-verifiableMocks
you can verify that the test has called all the expected mocks in a single assert.
describe 'Assert-MockCalled vs Assert-VerifiableMocks in Pester' {
function Get-Value1{ 1}
function Get-Value2{ 2}
function Get-Value3{ 3}
# Should never be called by Get-ValueSum
function Get-Value4{ 4}
# Sums Value 1, 2 & 3, but 4 only if $include4 is specified
function Get-ValueSum
param([switch] $inclued4 )
return (Get-Value1) + (Get-Value2) + (Get-Value3) + (Get-Value4)
return (Get-Value1) + (Get-Value2) + (Get-Value3)
context 'assert verifiable' {
# Mark the first 3 mocks as verifiable
# because they should not be called
mock -CommandName Get-Value1 -MockWith { 2} -Verifiable
mock -CommandName Get-Value2 -MockWith { 3} -Verifiable
mock -CommandName Get-Value3 -MockWith { 4} -Verifiable
# Add this so we can verify it is not called
mock -CommandName Get-Value4 -MockWith { 99}
$result = Get-ValueSum
it 'Should call the 3 expected value calls' {
it 'should not call get-value 4' {
Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-Value4 -Times 0
it 'should have gotten a sum of 9' {
$result | should be 9
# add test for #$include4
describe 'Assert-MockCalled vs Assert-VerifiableMocks in Pester' {
function Get-Value1{ 1}
function Get-Value2{ 2}
function Get-Value3{ 3}
# Should never be called by Get-ValueSum
function Get-Value4{ 4}
# Sums Value 1, 2 & 3, but 4 only if $include4 is specified
function Get-ValueSum
param([switch] $inclued4 )
return (Get-Value1) + (Get-Value2) + (Get-Value3) + (Get-Value4)
return (Get-Value1) + (Get-Value2) + (Get-Value3)
context 'assert mock called method' {
# Add all mocks so we can verify
# if they were called or not individually
mock -CommandName Get-Value1 -MockWith { 3}
mock -CommandName Get-Value2 -MockWith { 4}
mock -CommandName Get-Value3 -MockWith { 5}
mock -CommandName Get-Value4 -MockWith { 99}
$result = Get-ValueSum
it 'Should call the 3 expected value calls' {
Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-Value1 -Times 1
Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-Value2 -Times 1
Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-Value3 -Times 1
it 'should not call get-value 4' {
Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-Value4 -Times 0
it 'should have gotten a sum of 12' {
$result | should be 12
# add test for #$include4