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Appcelerator Arrowdb deleting photo does not work

I'm trying to delete a photo in Arrowdb using the REST API.

I'm sending in both "id" and "su_id" (of the user who uploaded it). And I am currently logged in as an admin with admin rights.

I keep getting the following response:

 { ["meta"]=> object(stdClass)#2 (3) { ["status"]=> string(4) "fail" ["code"]=>    int(400) ["message"]=> string(27) "Failed to authenticate user" }

Anyone have any idea what to do?


  • Was using curl and PHP, forgot to add the CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR and CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE to the curl call, which meant the session did not get through and no user was logged in at arrowdb. With those parameters added it worked correctly.