In Unity3D, I want to load position data from text file. Here is an example of the text file.
1; -5; -10
data_ 02.txt
2; 2; 5
3; 2; 4
all files are 1 line.
I'd like to input these data into a object.
I want to load text file in 30 text files per 1 second. There is code saving position data.
public void Start()
System.IO.StreamWriter saveFile = new System.IO.StreamWriter("savefile.txt", false);
Transform[] transforms = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType(typeof(Transform)) as Transform[];
foreach (Transform t in transforms)
catch (System.Exception ex)
How can I implement code loading position data in Unity continuously?
You could write some code where you use System.IO and use that to read the text file. Then you could use Regex to split the string at a semicolon. Here is some example code. The code is written on my iPhone so it may not be perfect.
using System.Regex
using unityengine;
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader("file name");
String read = reader.Read();
String[] points = Regex.Split(read,";");
//now you can use the points array to visualize your data
You will probably need to put this In a for loop to get all of your files but this should work. Also tell me about any mistakes in my code and I will try to fix them.