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How to create Macro variable for each unique region and assigned minimum amount to respective macro variable

I have a dataset which have three variable.below is the example dataset.

Id  Region  Amount
1   A   20
1   A   40
1   A   50
2   B   40
2   B   30
2   B   60
3   C   10
3   C   30
4   D   20
4   D   50
4   D   10

I want to create macro variable for each region and then assigned the minimum amount to those variable. For example in case of above dataset answer should be 4 macro variable with their value as:

macro_var   val
A           20
B           30
C           10
D           10

Any help would be highly appreciated.


  • Select the ids into a macro variable so that you can then loop through them and find the minimum value of amount for each:

    data temp;
       input Id $ Region $ Amount $;
         1 A 20 
         1 A 40 
         1 A 50
         2 B 40 
         2 B 30 
         2 B 60 
         3 C 10
         3 C 30
         4 D 20 
         4 D 50 
         4 D 10
    proc sql noprint;
        select distinct region into: region_list separated by " " from temp;
    %macro assign_vars;
        %do i = 1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&region_list.));
        %let this_region = %scan(&region_list., &i.);
            %global min_of_region_&this_region.;
            proc sql noprint;
                select min(amount) into: min_of_region_&this_region. from temp (where = (region = "&this_region."));
    %mend assign_vars;
    %put &min_of_region_A.;
    %put &min_of_region_B.;
    %put &min_of_region_C.;
    %put &min_of_region_D.;