I work with AvFoundation. I need to measure accurately frame rate from ios camera.
Frame rate = 1/(time(f2)-time(f1))
= __ (frame per second);
Where time(f2) – it's time when come second frame, and (f1) – it's time of first frame. How do it with using sampleBuffer?
You need to call CMSampleBufferGetPresentationTimeStamp(sampleBuffer)
Something like this (in swift, a little awkward because I couldn't find a CMTime
let delta = CMTimeSubtract(CMSampleBufferGetPresentationTimeStamp(buf2), CMSampleBufferGetPresentationTimeStamp(buf1))
// awkward 1/x, beware that delta.value may overflow as a timescale
// what's the right way?
let frameRate = CMTime(value: CMTimeValue(delta.timescale), timescale: CMTimeScale(delta.value))
// maybe you want floating point instead of CMTime:
let frameRateAsFloat64 = CMTimeGetSeconds(frameRate)