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Jasper Ireport Alternate row colors with custom style

I've add a conditionnal style to my report for alternate row style like this :

<style name="tab_page_4">
            <conditionExpression><![CDATA[$V{REPORT_COUNT}%2 == 1]]></conditionExpression>
            <style forecolor="#FFFFFF" backcolor="#E7ECF4"/>

<reportElement key="textField" style="tab_page_4" mode="Opaque" x="11" y="5" width="94" height="15" forecolor="#00597C" backcolor="#FFFFFF" uuid="4ea6f9a0-d1c8-42f0-8ae4-7c9780fcfe3d"/>

When i generate my report, the custom style doesnt work.

What i've forgot ?


  • When using conditional styles, it is important to remove all style data in the element. This means that in this case the elements mode, forecolor and backcolor should be removed so that the style is used.

    It is possible to set e.g. the forecolor on an element when using a conditional to set the forecolor explicitly for this element. But usually all coloring will happen with the conditional style.


    As Alex K pointed out, make sure the conditional style also sets mode="Opaque":

    <style name="tab_page_4" mode="Opaque">

    Or if using conditional styles:

        <style mode="Opaque" .../>