I'm trying to do something like
expect(body['classification']).to (be == "Apt") || (be == "House")
This is testing a JSON API response.
I want the test to pass if either "Apt" or "House" are returned. But in the test it is only comparing to the first value, "Apt".
Failure/Error: expect(body['classification']).to be == "Apt" or be == "House"
expected: == "Apt"
got: "House"
Previous Solution:
There is a solution here, (Equality using OR in RSpec 2) but its depreciated now, and I wasn't able to make it work.
Also wasn't able to find examples like this in the documentation (https://www.relishapp.com/rspec/rspec-expectations/v/3-4/docs/built-in-matchers/equality-matchers)
Is this possible to do?
How about this:
expect(body['classification'].in?(['Apt', 'Hourse']).to be_truthy
expect(body['classification']).to eq('Apt').or eq('Hourse')
Or even this:
expect(body['classification']).to satify { |v| v.in?(['Apt', 'Hourse']) }