I am trying to use Digits from Twitter. The AuthCallBack is not fired when used from activity and the recent document saying to use the AuthCallBack from the Application class.
Now I have the AuthCallBack working correctly and onSuccess I need to call a method from my MainActivity. How do I achieve it from the Application class. Kindly help. I have given the code below.
public class MyApplication extends Application {
private AuthCallback authCallback;
public void onCreate() {
authCallback = new AuthCallback() {
public void success(DigitsSession session, String phoneNumber) {
//call myFunction() from MainActivity here
public void failure(DigitsException exception) {
public AuthCallback getAuthCallback(){
return authCallback;
You can use BroadcastManager to archive the same. Below is sample code you can use
From Application:
public void success(DigitsSession session, String phoneNumber) {
Intent intent = new Intent(Constants.FILTER_LOGIN_SUCCESS);
intent.putExtra(Constants.EXTRA_PHONE_NUMBER, phoneNumber);
Activity Class :
protected void onResume() {
new IntentFilter(Constants.FILTER_LOGIN_SUCCESS));
protected void onDestroy() {
private BroadcastReceiver broadcastReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
String phoneNumber = intent.getStringExtra(Constants.EXTRA_PHONE_NUMBER);