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Capture string in regex replacement

From what I can gather from the Pharo documentation on regex, I can define a regular expression object such as:

re := '(foo|re)bar' asRegex

And I can replace the matched regex with a string via this:

re copy: 'foobar blah rebar' replacingMatchesWith: 'meh'

Which will result in: `'meh blah meh'.

So far, so good. But I want to replace the 'bar' and leave the prefix alone. Therefore, I need a variable to handle the captured parenthetical:

re copy: 'foobar blah rebar' replacingMatchesWith: '%1meh'

And I want the result: 'foomeh blah remeh'. However, this just gives me: '%1meh blah %1meh'. I also tried using \1, or \\1, or $1, or {1} and got the literal string replacement, e.g., '\1meh blah \1meh' as a result.

I can do this easily enough in GNU Smalltalk with:

'foobar blah rebar' replacingAllRegex: '(foo|re)bar' with: '%1meh'

But I can't find anywhere in the Pharo regex documentation that tells me how I can do this in Pharo. I've done a bunch of googling for Pharo regex as well, but not turned up anything. Is this capability part of the RxMatcher class or some other Pharo regex class?


  • After experimenting a bit with the RxMatcher class, I made the following modification to the RxMatcher#copyStream:to:replacingMatchesWith: selector:

    copyStream: aStream to: writeStream replacingMatchesWith: aString
        "Copy the contents of <aStream> on the <writeStream>,
         except for the matches. Replace each match with <aString>."
        | searchStart matchStart matchEnd |
        stream := aStream.
        markerPositions := nil.
        [searchStart := aStream position.
        self proceedSearchingStream: aStream] whileTrue: [ | ws rep |
            matchStart := (self subBeginning: 1) first.
            matchEnd := (self subEnd: 1) first.
            aStream position: searchStart.
            searchStart to: matchStart - 1 do:
                [:ignoredPos | writeStream nextPut: aStream next].
            "------- The following lines replaced: writeStream nextPutAll: aString ------"
            "Do the regex replacement including lookback substitutions"
            writeStream nextPutAll: (aString format: self subexpressionStrings).
            aStream position: matchEnd.
            "Be extra careful about successful matches which consume no input.
            After those, make sure to advance or finish if already at end."
            matchEnd = searchStart ifTrue: 
                [aStream atEnd
                    ifTrue: [^self "rest after end of whileTrue: block is a no-op if atEnd"]
                    ifFalse:    [writeStream nextPut: aStream next]]].
        aStream position: searchStart.
        [aStream atEnd] whileFalse: [writeStream nextPut: aStream next]

    And then "accessing" category:

       "Create an array of lookback strings"
       | ws |
       ws := Array new writeStream.
       2 to: (self subexpressionCount) do: [ :n | | se |
          ws nextPut: ((se := self subexpression: n) ifNil: [ '' ] ifNotNil: [ se ]) ].
       ^ws contents.

    With this modification, I can do a lookback in the replacement string using the Smalltalk String#format: pattern for arguments:

    re := '((foo|re)ba(r|m))' asRegex
    re copy: 'foobar meh rebam' replacingMatchesWith: '{2}bu{3} (was {1})'

    Results in:

    'foobur (was foobar) meh rebum (was rebam)'