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Scala slick how can I return my own Error message

I have a registration Action that asks for user emails, in my postgres database I only allow unique emails. When I put in a duplicate email I get back the error message

    **Failure(org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: duplicate key value violates 
unique constraint "same_name_profiles_email"
      Detail: Key (email)=([email protected]) already exists.)**

I would like to return my own generic error message instead, something similar to what they are doing here How to catch slick postgres exceptions for duplicate key value violations . The issue I am facing is that I am getting an error of

**constructor cannot be instantiated to expected type;
 found   :
 required: scala.util.Try[Int]**

What I would like to do is to show the error message code and sqlState code . This is my code

   def registration = Action.async {implicit request=>

      val setup =
        sqlu"""INSERT Logic""" { result =>

        result match {

          case Failure(e: PSQLException) => {
            //code: if Error I would like to return message below
            Ok(s"PostgresIntegrityConstraintViolationException, code:    ${e.getErrorCode}, sql status: ${e.getSQLState}, message: ${e.getMessage}")





Whenever there is an error in the Database it falls inside the result.isFailure now I would just like to get the PSQLException ErrorCode and SQLState . I do not really care about matching or anything. I am doing this for a web service API so if for example I see that error code 23008 corresponds with duplicate email then I can give user's a generic message such as "Duplicate Email" . Any suggestions would be great as I'm new to Scala and Slick . I am using slick version 3.11

The error message is coming from this part

      result match {

          case Failure(e: PSQLException) => {
            //code: if Error I would like to return message below
            Ok(s"PostgresIntegrityConstraintViolationException, code:    ${e.getErrorCode}, sql status: ${e.getSQLState}, message: ${e.getMessage}")



  • Considering i understood your question correctly, you can use nested Case. Inside the case check the error code, if the error code is as expected show the Msg.

    case Failure(e: PSQLException) => e.code match{
        case "23008" => println("Duplicate email")
            case - => println("Some generic msg")    

    Please let me know if I understood it wrong.