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Does Python GIL need to be taken care when work with multi-thread C++ extension?

I'm now implementing a data subscriber with Python, which subscribes to a data publisher (actually a ZeroMQ publisher socket) and will get notified once any new messages are fed. In my subscriber, the messages are dumped to a data processor after received. The subscriber will also get notified by the processor when done. Since the data processor is written in C++, I have to extend the Python code with a simple C++ module.

Below is a simplified runnable code sample of my data subscriber. Code, in which the module proc represents the processor, subscribe to a ZeroMQ socket on localhost:10000, setup the callback, and send the received message to the processor by calling proc.onMsg.


import gevent
import logging
import as zmq

import pub 
import proc

logging.basicConfig( format='[%(levelname)s] %(message)s', level=logging.DEBUG )

SUB_ADDR = 'tcp://localhost:10000'

def setupMqAndReceive():
    '''Setup the message queue and receive messages.
    ctx  = zmq.Context()
    sock = ctx.socket( zmq.SUB )
    # add topics
    sock.setsockopt_string( zmq.SUBSCRIBE, 'Hello' )

    sock.connect( SUB_ADDR )

    while True:
        msg = sock.recv().decode( 'utf-8' )
        proc.onMsg( msg )

def callback( a, b ):
    print( '[callback]',  a, b ) 

def main():
    '''Entrance of the module.
    proc.setCallback( callback )
    '''A simple on-liner
    gevent.spawn( setupMqAndReceive ).join()
    works. However, the received messages will not be
    processed by the processor.
    gevent.spawn( setupMqAndReceive )

Module proc is simplified with three functions exported:

  • setCallback setup the callback function, so that when the message processed, my subscriber could be notified;
  • onMsg is invoked by the subscriber;
  • start setups a new worker thread to handle the messages from subscriber and make the main thread join to wait for the worker thread to exit.

The full version of source code could be found on github at Nevertheless, it does not run as my expectation. Once the processor thread is added, the subscriber cannot receive data from the publisher in the gevent loop. If I simply drop the data processor module, the subscriber gevent loop could receive the messages from the publisher.

Is there anything wrong with the code? I suspect the GIL interferes the concurrency of the pthread in the message processor, or the gevent loop is starved. Any hints about the question or about how to debug it will be highly appreciated!


  • The Global Interpreter Lock, by itself, will not prevent threads from being scheduled. The Python C API does not run around injecting itself into the pthread library everywhere. This is both good and bad.

    It is good because you can actually do multiple things at once in a C or C++ extension.

    It is bad because you can violate the GIL rules accidentally.

    The rules of the GIL are (roughly) as follows:

    1. When your code is called from Python, you may assume your thread has the GIL. When your code is called from anything that is not Python, you may not make this assumption.
    2. You must have the GIL before you can call into any part of the Python/C API unless explicitly documented otherwise. This includes everything owned by the Python/C API, even simple things like the refcounting macros Py_INCREF() and Py_DECREF().
    3. The GIL does not release itself automatically while execution is within a C or C++ function. You need to do that manually if you do not need the GIL. In particular, it does not automatically release itself when you call a blocking function like pthread_join() or select(), which means you block the whole interpreter.

    The formal version of these rules is specified here. Pay close attention to the "Non-Python created threads" section; it is about precisely what you are trying to do.

    Reading your code, it looks like you have failed to acquire the GIL in the procThread() function, and also failed to release it before calling pthread_join(). There may be other problems as well, but these were the most obvious to me.