I have an app which have 4 different forms. these forms can be completed by clicking the different questions and being lead to a viewcontroller which holds the options. lets call this the OptionViewController
. Now I have 4 different forms with different options but all using OptionViewController
to pull data from the database, I need to unwind the segue and pass data.
Since there might be 4 different view controllers it might be coming from, I need to make sure that the information is passed properly, i.e. identify if the destinationviewcontroller the unwindsegue is performing the first, second, third or fourth viewcontroller.
I thought I might do something like this
override func prepareForSegue(segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: AnyObject?) {
// Get the new view controller using segue.destinationViewController.
// Pass the selected object to the new view controller.
if segue.identifier == "optionSelected" {
if segue.destinationViewController == FirstViewController {
//pass data
} else if segue.destinationViewController == SecondViewController {
//pass data
But obviously I cannot perform segue.destinationViewController == FirstViewController
What should I actually be doing? Or should i just create one OptionViewController
for every form, which would solve my problem, but I am not sure if overall the app performance will drop due to the increase of view controllers
Thanks for any help in advance
To test if the destination view controller is of a specific class, use the Swift keyword is
if segue.destinationViewController is FirstViewController {
Alternatively, you can assign the viewController to a variable using optional binding with an optional cast:
if let dvc = segue.destinationViewController as? FirstViewController {
// dvc will have type FirstViewController so you can access specific
// properties of FirstViewController using dvc