I'm currently trying to create a function in a database that was created in a stored procedure.
Set @sql = 'USE [' + @dbname + '] GO CREATE FUNCTION dbo.functionname(@trajectid int)
DECLARE @result int;
(SELECT @result = SUM(duur) FROM AgendaItems WHERE trajectid = @trajectid)
RETURN @result
What we want to achieve is using the function in the table definitions (also in stored procedures)
gebruikt AS [dbo].functionname([id]),
We tried using Maindatabase.dbo.functionname, which returned an error:
A user-defined function name cannot be prefixed with a database name in this context.
Thanks in advance for any help.
Sorry for being straight but, you simply should not use a stored procedure to create DDL - and in fact, the system is preventing you from doing that, as it's really a bad practice.
There are workarounds, but you should really change the way you are handling the process that you want to create - that would be the only real solution