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Cythonic way to wrap boost::geometry::Point accessors

What is the correct cythonic way to wrap the following member functions of a boost::geometry::Point? The code snippet comes from here.

    /// @brief Get a coordinate
    /// @tparam K coordinate to get
    /// @return the coordinate
    template <std::size_t K>
    inline CoordinateType const& get() const
        BOOST_GEOMETRY_ASSERT(m_created == 1);
        BOOST_GEOMETRY_ASSERT(m_values_initialized[K] == 1);
        BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(K < DimensionCount);
        return m_values[K];

    /// @brief Set a coordinate
    /// @tparam K coordinate to set
    /// @param value value to set
    template <std::size_t K>
    inline void set(CoordinateType const& value)
        BOOST_GEOMETRY_ASSERT(m_created == 1);
        m_values_initialized[K] = 1;
        BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(K < DimensionCount);
        m_values[K] = value;

I first attempted using:

cdef extern from "s57/data/geometries.h" namespace "bg::model":
    cdef cppclass _Geo2 "bg::model::point<double, 2, bg::cs::spherical_equatorial<bg::degree>>":
        _Geo2( const _Geo2& other )
        const double get[size_t]() except +
        void set[size_t](double) except +

but then I don't know where to go since something like this:

property x:
    def __set__(self, double value):

gives me this failure:

Error compiling Cython file:
    property x:
        def __set__(self, double value):

c:\XXXX\x.pyx:24:31: not parsable as a type

My current working solution has been to create some helper functions like:

double get_geo2_x( geo2& pnt );
double get_geo2_y( geo2& pnt );
void set_geo2_x( geo2& pnt, double value );
void set_geo2_y( geo2& pnt, double value );

Does somebody have in mind a more elegant solution?


  • You're running into problems with Cython's handling of non-type template parameters. You can manually specify function names using strings, which are inserted directly into the generated C code (see

    As a very simple example

    // example.hpp
    #include <iostream> 
    class C {
      template <int K>
      void set(double value) {
          std::cout << K << ": " << value << std::endl;

    And the Cython code

    cdef extern from "example.hpp":
        cdef cppclass C:
            void set0 "set<0>"(double) except +
            void set1 "set<1>"(double) except + 
    def do_set():
        # very simple illustrative example
        cdef C c

    Whenever Cython sees set0 called on a C it substitutes set<0>, calling the template function directly. You can then use properties, as you were trying to do.

    This probably isn't significantly better than creating helper functions, but it might be a little easier.