i've got a table with articles. The table has the fields id, title and text.
I'm using the sluggable behaviour on the title-field resulting in a unique url
$sluggable0 = new Doctrine_Template_Sluggable(
'fields'=>array(0 => 'title'),
Now I'd like to use the article in multiple languagles. The text is now internationalized using the I18n-behaviour
$this->actAs('I18n', array('fields'=>array('text')));
My question: how can I internationalize the title field, so that there are unique url's in each language that will be used?
It's really simple, you'll need to add the sluggable item as a child to I18n behavior.
So try this:
$i18n = new Doctrine_Template_I18n(array('fields' => array('text')));