I have some JS that explores some properties of a planar model and the mechanism that causes a phase transition in a lattice of spins. One indicator of a phase transition is the way the spins are oriented in the lattice, and for that I would like to plot a vector field. Can Flot do that?
Yes, you can do this with one small change to the flot library. In the drawSeriesPoints(series)
function (line 1986 in version 0.7) change the line
symbol(ctx, x, y, radius, shadow);
to this
symbol(ctx, x, y, radius, shadow, series, Math.floor(i / ps));
This is done so that you can access the datapoint when drawing it.
Format your data points in the form [x coordinate, y coordinate, vector angle, vector length]
and use a custom symbol function like this:
function vector(ctx, x, y, radius, shadow, series, index) {
var vectorAngle = series.data[index][2]; // in radians
var vectorLength = series.data[index][3]; // in pixels
var bottom = [Math.round(x + vectorLength * Math.sin(vectorAngle)), Math.round(y - vectorLength * Math.cos(vectorAngle))];
var top = [Math.round(x - vectorLength * Math.sin(vectorAngle)), Math.round(y + vectorLength * Math.cos(vectorAngle))];
var left = [top[0] - (top[0] - bottom[0]) / 4 + (top[1] - bottom[1]) / 4, top[1] - (top[1] - bottom[1]) / 4 - (top[0] - bottom[0]) / 4];
var right = [top[0] - (top[0] - bottom[0]) / 4 - (top[1] - bottom[1]) / 4, top[1] - (top[1] - bottom[1]) / 4 + (top[0] - bottom[0]) / 4];
ctx.moveTo(top[0], top[1]);
ctx.lineTo(left[0], left[1]);
ctx.lineTo(right[0], right[1]);
ctx.lineTo(top[0], top[1]);
ctx.fillStyle = series.color;
ctx.moveTo(top[0], top[1])
ctx.lineTo(bottom[0], bottom[1]);
ctx.moveTo(x, y);