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How to make fromList lazy in this dynamic programming example?

module Main where
  import System.Random
  import Data.Foldable
  import Control.Monad
  import qualified Data.Map as M
  import qualified Data.Vector as V
  import Debug.Trace
  import Data.Maybe
  import Data.Ord

  -- Represents the maximal integer. maxBound is no good because it overflows.
  -- Ideally should be something like a billion.
  maxi = 1000

  candies :: V.Vector Int -> Int --M.Map (Int, Int) Int
  candies ar = ff [l (V.length ar - 1) x | x <- [0..maxi]]
      go :: Int -> Int -> Int
      go _ 0 = maxi
      go 0 j = j
      go i j =
        case compare (ar V.! (i-1)) (ar V.! i) of
          LT -> ff [l (i-1) x + j | x <- [0..j-1]]
          GT -> ff [l (i-1) x + j | x <- [j+1..maxi]]
          EQ -> ff [l (i-1) x + j | x <- [0..maxi]]
      l :: Int -> Int -> Int
      l i j = fromMaybe maxi (M.lookup (i,j) cs)
      ff l = --minimum l
        case l of
          l:ls -> if l < maxi then l else ff ls
          [] -> maxi

      -- I need to make this lazy somehow.
      cs :: M.Map (Int, Int) Int
      cs = M.fromList [((i,j), go i j) | i <- [0..V.length ar - 1], j <- [0..maxi]]

  main :: IO ()
  main = do
    --ar <- fmap (V.fromList . map read . tail . words) getContents
    g <- fmap (V.fromList . take 5 . randomRs (1,50)) getStdGen
    print $ candies g

The above code is for the HackerRank Candies challenge. I think the code is correct in essence even though it gives me runtime errors on submission. HackerRank does not say what those errors are, but most likely it is because I ran out allotted memory.

To make the above work, I need to rewrite the above so the fromList gets lazily evaluated or something to that effect. I like the above form and rewriting the functions so they pass along the map as a parameter is something I would very much like to avoid.

I know Haskell has various memoization libraries on Hackage, but the online judge does not allow their use.

I might have coded myself into a hole due to Haskell's purity.


I did some experimenting in order to figure out how those folds and lambda's work. I think this is definitely linked to continuation passing after all, as the continuations are being built up along the fold. To show what I mean, I'll demonstrate it with a simple program.

module Main where
  trans :: [Int] -> [Int]
  trans m =
    foldr go (\_ -> []) m 0 where
      go x f y = (x + y) : f x

  main = do
    s <- return $ trans [1,2,3]
    print s

One thing that surprised me was that when I inserted a print, it got executed in a reverse manner, from left to right, which made me think at first that I misunderstood how foldr works. That turned out to not be the case.

What the above does is print out [1,3,5].

Here is the explanation how it executes. Trying to print out f x in the above will not be informative and will cause it to just all around the place.

It starts with something like this. The fold obviously executes 3 go functions.

go x f y = (x + y) : f x
go x f y = (x + y) : f x
go x f y = (x + y) : f x

The above is not quite true. One has to keep in mind that all fs are separate.

go x f'' y = (x + y) : f'' x
go x f' y = (x + y) : f' x
go x f y = (x + y) : f x

Also for clarity one it should also be instructive to separate out the lambdas.

go x f'' = \y -> (x + y) : f'' x
go x f' = \y -> (x + y) : f' x
go x f = \y -> (x + y) : f x

Now the fold starts from the top. The topmost statement gets evaluated as...

go 3 (\_ -> []) = \y -> (3 + y) : (\_ -> []) 3

This reduces to:

go 3 (\_ -> []) = (\y -> (3 + y) : [])

The result is the unfinished lambda above. Now the fold evaluates the second statement.

go 2 (\y -> (3 + y) : []) = \y -> (2 + y) : (\y -> (3 + y) : []) 2

This reduces to:

go 2 (\y -> (3 + y) : []) = (\y -> (2 + y) : 5 : [])

The the fold goes to the last statement.

go 1 (\y -> (2 + y) : 5 : []) = \y -> (1 + y) : (\y -> (2 + y) : 5 : []) 1

This reduces to:

go 1 (\y -> (2 + y) : 5 : []) = \y -> (1 + y) : 3 : 5 : []

The the 0 outside the fold gets applied and the final lambda gets reduced to

1 : 3 : 5 : []

This is just the start of it. The case gets more interesting when f x is replaced with f y.

Here is a similar program to the previous.

module Main where
  trans :: [Int] -> [Int]
  trans m =
    foldr go (\_ -> []) m 1 where
      go x f y = (x + y) : f (2*y+1)

  main = do
    s <- return $ trans [1,2,3]
    print s

Let me once again go from top to bottom.

go x f'' = \y -> (x + y) : f'' (2*y+1)
go x f' = \y -> (x + y) : f' (2*y+1)
go x f = \y -> (x + y) : f (2*y+1)

The top statement.

go 3 (\_ -> []) = \y -> (3 + y) : (\_ -> []) (2*y+1)

The middle statement:

go 2 (\y -> (3 + y) : (\_ -> []) (2*y+1)) = \y -> (2 + y) : (\y -> (3 + y) : (\_ -> []) (2*y+1)) (2*y+1)

The last statement:

go 1 (\y -> (2 + y) : (\y -> (3 + y) : (\_ -> []) (2*y+1)) (2*y+1)) = \y -> (1 + y) : (\y -> (2 + y) : (\y -> (3 + y) : (\_ -> []) (2*y+1)) (2*y+1)) 2*y+1

Notice how the expressions build up because ys cannot be applied. Only after the 0 gets inserted can the whole expression be evaluated.

(\y -> (1 + y) : (\y -> (2 + y) : (\y -> (3 + y) : (\_ -> []) (2*y+1)) (2*y+1)) 2*y+1) 1

2 : (\y -> (2 + y) : (\y -> (3 + y) : (\_ -> []) (2*y+1)) (2*y+1)) 3

2 : 5 : (\y -> (3 + y) : (\_ -> []) (2*y+1)) 7

2 : 5 : 10 : (\_ -> []) 15

2 : 5 : 10 : []

There is a buildup due to the order of evaluation.

Edit: So...

go (candy, score) f c s = (candy', score): f candy' score
    where candy' = max candy $ if s < score then c + 1 else 1

The above in fact does 3 passes across the list in each iteration.

First foldr has to travel to back of the list before it can begin. Then as candi' depends on s and c variables which cannot be applied immediately this necessitates building up the continuations as in that last example.

Then when the two 0 0 are fed into at the end of the fold, the whole thing only then gets evaluated.

It is a bit hard to reason about.


  • The problem you have linked to has a clean Haskell solution using right folds. In other words, you can skip worrying about lazy fromList, memoization and all that by just using a more functional style.

    The idea is that you maintain a list of (candy, score) pairs where candy is zero initially for all (repeat 0 in bellow code). Then you go once from left to right and bump up candy values if this item score exceeds the one before:

    -- s is the score and c is the candy of the guy before
    -- if s < score then this guy should get at least c + 1 candies
    candy' = max candy $ if s < score then c + 1 else 1

    and do the same thing again going in the other direction:

    import Control.Monad (replicateM)
    import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
    solve :: [Int] -> Int
    solve = sum . map fst . loop . reverse . loop . zip  (repeat 0)
        loop cs = foldr go (\_ _ -> []) cs 0 0
        go (candy, score) f c s = (candy', score): f candy' score
            where candy' = max candy $ if s < score then c + 1 else 1
    main = do
        n <- read <$> getLine
        solve . fmap read <$> replicateM n getLine >>= print

    This performs linearly, and passes all tests on HackerRank.