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How to use criterion with stack

I set up a simple stack project, and a .cabal entry for the benchmark tests:

benchmark leaves-of-a-tree-bench
  type:             exitcode-stdio-1.0
  hs-source-dirs:   src, bench
  main-is:          MainBenchmarkSuite.hs
  build-depends:    base
                  , criterion
                  , random
                  , leaves-of-a-tree
  ghc-options:      -Wall
  default-language: Haskell2010                    

However after running stack bench I get the following error:

setup-Simple-Cabal- Error: Could not find benchmark program      
Did you build the package first?

Am I missing something?

EDIT: I uploaded the project to a github repository


  • There is some weird cabal stuff going on here.

    Your LeavesOfATreeBench.hs:

    -- |
    module LeavesOfATreeBench where
    import           Criterion.Main
    import           Data.BinTree
    mkTree :: [a] -> BinTree a
    mkTree [] = Nil
    mkTree (x:xs) = Fork x (mkTree lxs) (mkTree rxs)
      where (lxs, rxs) = splitAt ((length xs + 1) `div` 2) xs
    main :: IO ()
    main = defaultMain [
      bgroup "leaves"
        [ bench "tree 0" $ whnf leaves (mkTree ([0 .. 20] :: [Integer]))
        , bench "tree 1" $ whnf leaves (mkTree ([0 .. 200] :: [Integer]))

    Now, once I simply remove the line

    module LeavesOfATreeBench where

    everything works as expected:

    Registering leaves-of-a-tree-
    leaves-of-a-tree- benchmarks
    Running 1 benchmarks...
    Benchmark leaves-of-a-tree-bench: RUNNING...
    benchmarking leaves/tree 0
    time                 41.81 ns   (41.51 ns .. 42.29 ns)
                         0.999 R²   (0.998 R² .. 0.999 R²)
    mean                 42.65 ns   (42.12 ns .. 43.50 ns)
    std dev              2.293 ns   (1.526 ns .. 3.690 ns)
    variance introduced by outliers: 75% (severely inflated)
    benchmarking leaves/tree 1
    time                 71.11 ns   (70.41 ns .. 71.84 ns)
                         0.999 R²   (0.999 R² .. 0.999 R²)
    mean                 71.30 ns   (70.45 ns .. 72.19 ns)
    std dev              2.917 ns   (2.431 ns .. 3.507 ns)
    variance introduced by outliers: 62% (severely inflated)
    Benchmark leaves-of-a-tree-bench: FINISH
    Completed 2 action(s).