I'm learning Angular 2. I'm trying to send data from a component to other on the click of the first one.
Both components are siblings.
This is my code so far:
selector: 'jsonTextInput',
templateUrl: '../templates/jsonTextInput.html',
directives: [Card, CardTitle, CardDescription, Icon],
providers: [JsonChangeService]
export class JsonTextInput {
json: string = '';
constructor (private jsonChangeService: JsonChangeService) {
this.jsonChangeService = jsonChangeService
process () {
import {Injectable, EventEmitter} from '@angular/core';
export default class JsonChangeService {
public jsonObject: Object;
stateChange: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter<any>();
constructor (){
this.jsonObject = {};
jsonChange (obj) {
console.log('sending', obj)
this.jsonObject = obj
The call from the first component to the service is working, since the sending
is being printed.
selector: 'jsonRendered',
templateUrl: '../templates/jsonrendered.html',
directives: [Card, CardTitle],
providers: [JsonChangeService]
export class JsonRendered {
private jsonObject: Object
constructor (private jsonChangeService: JsonChangeService) {
this.jsonChangeService = jsonChangeService
this.jsonObject = jsonChangeService.jsonObject
this.jsonChangeService.stateChange.subscribe(json => { this.jsonObject = json; console.log('Change made!') })
ngOnInit () {
ngOnChanges () {
renderJson () {
The function inside the subscribe to stateChange never runs. What am I missing?
This is the content of my stateChange
_isAsync: true
_isScalar: false
destination: undefined
dispatching: false
hasCompleted: false
hasErrored: false
isStopped: false
isUnsubscribed: false
observers: Array[0]
You have two different instances of JsonChangeService
. That's why you don't receive message between components. You need to have one instance service, i.e. on parent component or on top level like this:
bootstrap(AppComponent, [JsonChangeService])