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Thrift Debugging: Problems with my finagle server

I have a simple Thrift Server, implemented in scala with finagle:

    import com.twitter.util.{ Await, Future }
    import com.jakiku.thriftscala.{ RealTimeDatabasePageImpressions, PageImpressions }
    import com.twitter.finagle.Thrift
    import com.twitter.finagle.thrift.ThriftServerFramedCodec
    import com.twitter.finagle.builder.{ ServerBuilder, Server }

    object ThriftServer {

      def main(args: Array[String]) {
        val server = Thrift.serveIface("localhost:9090", new RealTimeDatabasePageImpressions[Future] {
          def getByTrackIdAndDay(trackId: Int, day: Int) = {
            Future(Seq(PageImpressions.apply(123, 3, 4,  3,  2000L, 2000L)))

This is my Thrift file:

    namespace   java com.jakiku.thriftjava
    #@namespace scala com.jakiku.thriftscala

    typedef i64 long
    typedef i32 int

    struct PageImpressionsSum{
        1: required int         trackId;
        2: required int         day;
        3: required int         hour;
        4: required int         minute;
        5: required string      pageId;
        6: required long        uniqueImpressions;
        7: required long        sumImpressions;

    struct PageImpressions{
        1: required int         trackId;
        2: required int         day;
        3: required int         hour;
        4: required int         minute;
        6: required long        uniqueImpressions;
        7: required long        sumImpressions;

    service RealTimeDatabase_pageImpressions{
      list<PageImpressions> getByTrackIdAndDay(1:int trackId, 2:int day);

    service RealTimeDatabase_pageImpressionsSum {
      list<PageImpressionsSum> getByTrackIdAndDay(1:int trackId, 2:int day);

I generated the scala thrift classes with scrooge. Added thriftlib, scrooge-core, scrooge-generator etc. as dependency. I also added the scrooge sbt plugin:

 addSbtPlugin("com.twitter" % "scrooge-sbt-plugin" % "4.5.0")

I started the server with sudo sbt 'run'. The output of the console:

[info] Running ThriftServer Mai 25, 2016 4:18:39 AM com.twitter.finagle.Init$$anonfun$1 apply$mcV$sp INFORMATION: Finagle version 6.34.0 (rev=44f444f606b10582c2da8d5770b7879ddd961211) built at 20160310-155158

Everything looks fine, at this moment. I tested the server in nodejs. Doesn't work. I also used the thrift python test suite. Every check runs into a timeout.

This is the nodejs client:

    var thrift = require('thrift');
    var Realtime_pageImpressions = require('./gen-nodejs/RealTimeDatabase_pageImpressions.js');
    var ttypes = require('./gen-nodejs/RealTimeDatabase_types.js');

    var connection = thrift.createConnection("localhost", 9090);

    connection.on('error', function(err) {

    var client = thrift.createClient(Realtime_pageImpressions, connection);

    client.getByTrackIdAndDay(123124, 4, function(err, response) {
        if (err) {
        } else {

I really have no idea what i'm doing wrong.


  • Okay, i fixed it. Two things: @BCG gave me a hint. It's the TFramedTransport. But the Apache Docu is a bit too old.

     var ThriftTransports = require('thrift/transport');
     var ThriftProtocols = require('thrift/protocol');

    thrift/transport and thrift/protocol don't exist anymore. You have only to require Thrift. I deleted also the two brackets for the function execution.

        var thrift = require('thrift');
        var Int64 = require('node-int64');
        var Realtime_pageImpressions = require('./gen-nodejs/RealTimeDatabase_pageImpressions.js');
        var ttypes = require('./gen-nodejs/RealTimeDatabase_types.js');
        transport   = thrift.TFramedTransport;
        protocol    = thrift.TBinaryProtocol;
        var connection = thrift.createConnection("localhost", 9090, {
            transport : transport,
            protocol : protocol
        connection.on('error', function(err) {
        // Create a Calculator client with the connection
        var client = thrift.createClient(Realtime_pageImpressions, connection);
        client.getByTrackIdAndDay(123124, 4, function(err, response) {
            if (err) {
            } else {