I have a collection of addresses with a geo field (lng/lat). Now I want to get documents with unique geo lng/lat pairs to populate a Google map instance with pins. So naturally I don't want multiple pins sitting in top of each other, so I need to get unique lng/lat pairs only.
var mongoose = require("mongoose"),
Schema = mongoose.Schema;
var VenueSchema = new Schema({
name: String,
street: String,
streetNumber: String,
postCode: String,
suburb: String,
state: String,
geo: Array, // [lng, lat]
var Venue = mongoose.model('Venue', VenueSchema);
Using the distinct operator, I can easily get all unique lng/lat. Unfortunately this query returns an array of lng/lat geo points and not documents with fields. So I have no idea which business name belongs to what geo point.
.exec(function(err, venues){
throw err;
console.log(venues); // Array of lat/lng pairs
How do I construct a query so I get actual documents with all the fields where no two geo locations are the same?
You can use an aggregate pipeline that uses $group
to provide distinct-like behavior but with more flexibility:
// Group the docs by the geo field, taking the first doc for each unique geo
{$group: {
_id: '$geo',
doc: { $first: '$$ROOT' }
], callback);
is a system variable that contains the input document of the pipeline stage. So this gives the first document of each unique geo