I have the following questions regarding the "move to trash" functionality in the hue GUI:
1) /user/hduser/.Trash
Where hduser is unix(operating system user, it can be windows user also if you are using java client from windows + eclipse ) user.
2) This will depend on the below configuration in core-site.xml
<description>Number of minutes after which the checkpoint
gets deleted. If zero, the trash feature is disabled.
3) For doing this recovery method trash should be enabled in hdfs. Trash can be enabled by setting the property fs.trash.interval
(as above mentioned xml) greater than 0.
By default the value is zero. Its value is number of minutes after which the checkpoint gets deleted. If zero, the trash feature is disabled. We have to set this property in core-site.xml.
There is one more property which is having relation with the above property called fs.trash.checkpoint.interval
. It is the number of minutes between trash checkpoints. This should be smaller or equal to fs.trash.interval
Everytime the checkpointer runs, it creates a new checkpoint out of current and removes checkpoints created more than fs.trash.interval
minutes ago.
The default value of this property is zero.
<description>Number of minutes between trash checkpoints.
Should be smaller or equal to fs.trash.interval.
Every time the checkpointer runs it creates a new checkpoint
out of current and removes checkpoints created more than
fs.trash.interval minutes ago.
If the above properties are enabled in your cluster. Then the deleted files will be present in .Trash directory of hdfs. You have time to recover the files until the next checkpoint occurs. After the new checkpoint the deleted files will not be present in the .Trash. So recover before the new checkpoint. If this property is not enabled in your cluster, you can enable this for future recovery.. :)