I have a list of account connections between source and target accounts so my schema looks like
var ConnectionRequestSchema = new Schema({
sourceAccountId: {
type: Schema.ObjectId,
ref: 'Account'
targetAccountId: {
type: Schema.ObjectId,
ref: 'Account'
status: {
type: String,
enum: ['pending', 'accept', 'decline'],
trim: true
I want to query all documents where the sourceAccountId or the targetAccountId are equal to the queried accountId.
I saw this link how-to-find-a-document-where-either-one-or-another-field-matches-a-value which is relevant for find a docouments using the stand find method in Mongo.
$or: [
{first_name: name},
{last_name: name},
}, function(err, user) {
But I would like to do this using Mongoose Middleware and I'm not sure how I would construct this condition.
already you figured out the solution, but you have to make some changes in query
$or: [
{sourceAccountId: "5736eac90a39c2547cb9d911"},
{targetAccountId: "5736eac90a39c2547cb9d911"},
}, function(err, connection) {
then finally you will get the result is array of documents