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Associating Different URLS

Let's say I used to have a page /about.html for a period of time and GA tracked pageviews for that page.

Now the url changed to /about-us.html. Is there any way, through GA's platform, or through the js snippet, to associate /about-us.html pageviews with the old data collected for /about.html?

The idea is not to lose the already collected data for pages whose urls changed. I know that there is no reprocessing with GA, but perhaps data correlation is possible after the fact?


  • If it is just about viewing the say the total number of pw to that page with two urls you could create a custom dimension and use a regular expression that include both versions. Or simpler you could just use the filter in GA and use regexmatch in the "All pages" report for the page dimension.

    /about.html, /about-us.html

    The regex filter can look like: ^\/about(|-us)\.html$

    How does that work?