I have just started with phonegap using below link.
I have followed all steps and able to run my first phonegap app successfully.
I was really excited till now, but now I am stuck when i want to add plug-in(Speech Synthesis) to same app. doing some google, i found that, i need to install below things. Is there any other easy way for this?
Also step by step links for above steps are broken, please suggest the correct and easiest way to add plug-in to phonegap application.
I found it myself now..
below are the steps..
Install npm from https://nodejs.org/en/
Install phonegap CLI with below command
$ npm install -g phonegap
Instal GIT if not installed on your desktop fro their site or using below command.
npm install -g git
Add plugin using below command at the project directory
phonegap plugin add https://github.com/macdonst/SpeechRecognitionPlugin
phonegap plugin add https://github.com/apache/cordova-plugin-battery-status
Open your project again in Phonegap desktop app or use phonegap serve command
to test it directly on mobile app.
No need of eclipse, ant, java....