I have two rfid card the values are 0004518403 and 000452738 after reading their value in python terminal. I want to give them name like 0004518403 is "javed" and 000452738 as "aquib". So when next time when I use the card it must not show me the value but it must show me the name which I've defined to them.
import serial
import time
serial = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyUSB0', baudrate = 9600)
while True:
if serial.inWaiting() > 0:
read_result =serial.read(15)
print("Sleeping 2 seconds")
print "aquib"
print "javed"
serial.flushInput() # ignore errors, no data
I am trying this code but it show me an error :
SyntaxError: invalid token
In the first if condition. I am not getting where is the problem.
You should compare read results with strings, not numbers, like
0004520738 without quotes is a number. As it starts with a 0
sign, it is interpreted as number of base 8. Numbers of base 8 cannot contain digits 8
and 9
>>> 01234567
>>> 012345678
File "<stdin>", line 1
SyntaxError: invalid token
Also I don't get why you read 15 bytes, but compare results with 10 bytes string, that's smth wrong there