I'm trying to download a page from my Flask app using WeasyPrint but when downloading the PDF, I'm getting the login page as the PDF rather than the expected page.
I'm using the following code:
def hello_pdf():
# Make a PDF from another view
return render_pdf(url_for('myprojects'))
The login decorator is:
def login_required(f):
'''login required decorator to protect routes
def wrap(*args, **kwargs):
if 'logged_in' in session:
return f(*args, **kwargs)
flash('You need to login first.')
return redirect(url_for('login'))
return wrap
For some reason, the function can't seem to download the protected view, despite me being logged in. How can I get it to download it correctly?
Turns out render_template
just returns a html string, so I can do the following at the end of a route:
html = render_template('myprojects.html', projects=projects)
return render_pdf(HTML(string=html))