I am trying to get offlineimap to run in the background on OSX El Capitan using launchd.
Here is my plist:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
This loads and runs, however my logs show offlineimap is running into an error:
OfflineIMAP 6.7.0
Licensed under the GNU GPL v2 or any later version (with an OpenSSL exception)
ERROR: No module named keyring
ERROR: Exceptions occurred during the run!
ERROR: No module named keyring
To avoid have my passwords in plaintext in my .offlineimaprc I am using the python keyring method described here.
When I run offlineimap from the terminal it works fine and I am able to use the python keyring to import my passwords with no problem. Similarly, when I run offlineimap as a cronjob this also seems to work without incident. However, cron is deprecated on OSX so I would prefer to use launchd.
Relevant parts of my .offlineimaprc:
accounts = personal, work
maxsyncaccounts = 3
pythonfile = /Users/Andy/offlineimap.py
[Repository personalRemote]
type = IMAP
remotehost = myhost.com
remoteuser = myalperson@email.com
remotepasseval = keyring.get_password('email', 'personal')
[Repository workRemote]
type = IMAP
remotehost = myhost.com
remoteuser = mywork@email.com
remotepasseval = keyring.get_password('email', 'work')
My offlineimap.py file is just
import keyring
to answer the error:
$sudo pip install keyring
and if that does not work for you,
0) create password in keychain like done here in Retrieving Passwords section
1) create file
$touch ~/offlineimap.py
import re, subprocess
def get_keychain_pass(account=None, server=None):
params = {
'security': '/usr/bin/security',
'command': 'find-internet-password',
'account': account,
'server': server,
'keychain': '/Users/${USER}/Library/Keychains/login.keychain',
command = "sudo -u ${USER} %(security)s -v %(command)s -g -a %(account)s -s %(server)s %(keychain)s" % params
output = subprocess.check_output(command, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
outtext = [l for l in output.splitlines()
if l.startswith('password: ')][0]
return re.match(r'password: "(.*)"', outtext).group(1)
2) edit line in your
pythonfile = ~/offlineimap.py
3) and update remote sections
remotepasseval = get_keychain_pass(account="testUser@company.com", server="sub.domain.com")
4) if still having problems, try to change the command parameter in offlineimap.py file to
5) correct your Label string and run it just once during start
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
<string>/usr/local/bin/offlineimap -u quiet</string>
6) load it
launchctl load com.andypierz.offlineimap.plist