I have a countdown and it outputs to a label on the main form, I want to popout the countdown from the main form to a child form because the child form will be able to stay on top of all other windows (for game) I can't get it to updated the countdown on the child's label. I only get the second when i hit the popout button.
This is on the main form
private void tmrMain_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
TimerSeconds = TimerSeconds - 1;
if (TimerSeconds == 0)
if (chbxPlaySound.Checked)
if (chbxRepeat.Checked)
string dis_seconds = Convert.ToString(TimerSeconds);
// lblTimer is the label that shows the countdown seconds
lblTimer.Text = dis_seconds;
This is my pop out button on the main form
private void btnPopOut_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
PopTimer ShowTimer = new PopTimer(TimerSeconds);
This is my child form
public partial class PopTimer : Form
public PopTimer(int countTimer)
//string dis_seconds = Convert.ToString(TimerSeconds);
lblPopTimer.Text = Convert.ToString(countTimer); ;
Your PopTimer form needs an accessible method, something like this:
public void SetCountdown(int value) {
lblPopTimer.Text = value.ToString();
Then your PopTimer needs to be accessible, so move the declaration:
private PopTimer showTimer = null;
private void btnPopOut_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
showTimer = new PopTimer(timerSeconds);
Then in your tick event:
if (showTimer != null) {