I have a main controller in which i want to emit/ broadcast an event
main controller
.controller('gameCtrl', function(){
function moveToTileBy(moves)
var numberOfTiles = ctlr.board.tiles.length,
player = getCurrentPlayer(),
currentTileNumber = player.currentPositionTileNumber;
if((moves + currentTileNumber) > numberOfTiles)
// alert player not enough moves
return nextTurn();
// create a drag and drop
$scope.$emit('movePlayer', currentTileNumber);
$scope.$emit('activateTile', moves + currentTileNumber);
I also have a directive on an ng-repeat
items, each item has an isolated scope whose only connection to the main controller is the scope's model
.directive('phTile', ['$rootScope', 'Drake', function ($rootScope, Drake) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
scope: {
tile: '@ngModel'
link: function (scope, element, attr) {
var elem = element[0];
$rootScope.$on('movePlayer', function(){
console.log('root link move player ', arguments);
scope.$on('movePlayer', function(){ console.log('link scope move player', arguments);})
<div ng-controller="gameCtrl as ctlr">
<div ng-repeat="(i, tile) in ctlr.board.tiles" class="w3-col tile tile-{{tile.number}}" ng-repeat-end-watch="ctlr.resize()" ng-model="tile" ph-tile><span>{{tile.number}}</span></div>
I want the above event in the controller to trigger a series of dom manipulations to 1 or more item DOM elements
The dilemma i am facing is that I am not sure how/ where to build the logic to listen to the said event and proceed with the logic for dom manipulation....
Should it be
1) In a directive controller
return {
restrict: 'A',
scope: {
tile: '=ngModel'
}, controller: function($scope){ $scope.$on('move', function(){ /* manipulate dom element */}); }
2) Or in the link
return {
restrict: 'A',
scope: {
tile: '=ngModel'
}, link: function(scope, element, attr){ scope.$on('move', function(){ /* manipulate dom element */}); }
In addition I need to access the isolated scope's "tile" object and the directive's "element" in order to proceed with the dom manipulation.
It looks like you missed finishing submitting your question, but, in a nutshell, the manipulation of DOM elements should be in link.
Based on what you are starting to write at the bottom ('In addition I need to access the scope's "tile" object and "element" in order to proceed with the'), having the full directive and html, preferably in a demo, would help myself or somebody troubleshoot. I will update this if more information is provided.
Mark Rajcok has done an excellent job explaining the differences between links and controllers here: Difference between the 'controller', 'link' and 'compile' functions when defining a directive