I've been bashing my head against this problem for a while: I have record types, with dependent fields, and I want to prove equalities on record transformations. I've tried to distill the crux of my problem into a small example. Consider the following record type Rec
, which has dependency between the fields:
module Bar where
open import Data.Nat
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as PE
open import Relation.Binary.HeterogeneousEquality as HE
record Rec : Set where
field val : ℕ
inc : {n : ℕ} -> ℕ
succ : inc {0} ≡ val
open Rec
The succ
property states a relationship between the other two fields: that inc {0}
returns val
. The following function incR
defines a Rec
transformer that increments the value and the incrementor by a fixed value m
, which preserves their interaction:
succPrf : {x : Rec} {m : ℕ} -> (inc x {0} + m) ≡ val x + m
succPrf {x} {m} rewrite (PE.cong (\x -> x + m) (succ x)) = refl
incR : Rec -> ℕ -> Rec
incR x m = record {
val = val x + m
; inc = λ{n} -> inc x {n} + m
; succ = succPrf {x} {m} }
Here succPrf
gives the proof that the inc
relationship holds.
Now, I want to prove the following:
incR0 : forall {x : Rec} -> incR x 0 ≡ x
incR0 {x} = {!!}
This turns out to be quite difficult however because of the dependency within the records.
I tried breaking it down into individual equalities on the fields, with the aim of using a congruence to put it back together: and it seems I can get fairly far:
ext : {A : Set} {B : Set}
{f g : {a : A} -> B} ->
(forall {n : A} -> f {n} ≡ g {n})
-> (λ {n : A} -> f {n}) ≡ (λ {n : A} -> g {n})
-- Trivial, but for tersity just postulated
runit : {n : ℕ} -> n + 0 ≡ n
incRVal : forall {x : Rec} -> val (incR x 0) ≡ val x
incRVal {x} rewrite runit {val x} = refl
incRinc : forall {x : Rec} -> (λ{n : ℕ} -> inc (incR x 0) {n}) ≡ (λ{n : ℕ} -> inc x {n})
incRinc {x} rewrite ext (λ{n : ℕ} -> runit {inc x {n}}) = refl
And on the succ
field, we have to resort to heterogenous equality
succIncR : {x : Rec} -> (inc (incR x 0) {0} ≡ val (incR x 0) + 0)
≡ (inc x {0} ≡ val x)
succIncR {x} rewrite runit {inc x {0}} | runit {val x} | incRVal {x}
= refl
incRsucc : forall {x : Rec} -> succ (incR x 0) ≅ succ x
incRsucc {x} rewrite succIncR {x} | succ x | runit {val x}
= HE.reflexive refl
But I'm struggling to combine these together adequately. I really need some kind of congruence for Pi-types so that I can plug incRinc
and incRsucc
together in one go, but I've failed to build this. I'm at the point where I can't see the wood for the trees, so though I would see what SO thought. Am I missing some easy technique here?
Generally, equality of sigmas is equivalent to a sigma of equalities:
Σ-≡-intro :
∀ {α β}{A : Set α}{B : A → Set β}{a a' : A}{b : B a}{b' : B a'}
→ (Σ (a ≡ a') λ p → subst B p b ≡ b') → (a , b) ≡ (a' , b')
Σ-≡-intro (refl , refl) = refl
Σ-≡-elim :
∀ {α β}{A : Set α}{B : A → Set β}{a a' : A}{b : B a}{b' : B a'}
→ (a , b) ≡ (a' , b') → Σ (a ≡ a') λ p → subst B p b ≡ b'
Σ-≡-elim refl = refl , refl
We can specialize and adapt the introduction rule to Rec
, and also curry it and only substitute with the actual dependencies (I made the definitions a bit more explicit and compressed, because my hole types were cleaner this way):
open import Data.Nat
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
record Rec : Set where
constructor rec
field val : ℕ
inc : ℕ -> ℕ
succ : inc 0 ≡ val
open Rec
incR : Rec -> ℕ -> Rec
incR x m = rec (val x + m) (λ n → inc x n + m) (cong (_+ m) (succ x))
Rec-≡-intro :
∀ {v v' : ℕ} {i i' : ℕ → ℕ}{s : i 0 ≡ v}{s' : i' 0 ≡ v'}(p : v ≡ v')(q : i ≡ i')
→ subst₂ (λ v i → i 0 ≡ v) p q s ≡ s'
→ rec v i s ≡ rec v' i' s'
Rec-≡-intro refl refl refl = refl
ext : ∀ {α β} → Extensionality α β -- comes from PropositionalEquality
runit : {n : ℕ} -> n + 0 ≡ n
We can use Rec-≡-intro
to prove equalities on Rec
incR0 : ∀ x -> incR x 0 ≡ x
incR0 x = Rec-≡-intro
(runit {val x})
(ext (λ n → runit {inc x n}))
The remaining hole has a pretty nasty type, but we can basically ignore it, because equality proofs of ℕ
are propositional, i. e. all equality proofs between the same values are equal. In other words, ℕ
is a set:
ℕ-set : {n m : ℕ}(p p' : n ≡ m) → p ≡ p'
ℕ-set refl refl = refl
incR0 : ∀ x -> incR x 0 ≡ x
incR0 x = Rec-≡-intro
(runit {val x})
(ext (λ n → runit {inc x n}))
(ℕ-set _ _)
I believe that all proofs here must eventually make use of some statement equivalent to ℕ-set
(or axiom K; indeed, dorchard's solution only works with axiom K enabled), because if we try to prove the hole obligation generally, without reference to ℕ
, then we'll need a lemma that is unprovable in intensional Martin-Löf type theory:
lem :
∀ {A : Set}{z : A}{f i : A → A}(q₁ : f (i z) ≡ (i z))(q₂ : (λ x → f (i x)) ≡ i)
→ subst₂ (λ v i → i z ≡ v) q₁ q₂ refl ≡ refl
lem q₁ q₂ = {!!}
It seems unprovable to me in MLTT because we can find counterexamples in HoTT.
If we assume axiom K, we have proof irrelevance, which can be used here:
proof-irrelevance : ∀ {a} {A : Set a} {x y : A} (p q : x ≡ y) → p ≡ q
proof-irrelevance refl refl = refl
lem :
∀ {A : Set}{z : A}{f i : A → A}(q₁ : f (i z) ≡ (i z))(q₂ : (λ x → f (i x)) ≡ i)
→ subst₂ (λ v i → i z ≡ v) q₁ q₂ refl ≡ refl
lem q₁ q₂ = proof-irrelevance _ _
But this is a bit silly, since now we might as well just fill in our original hole:
incR0 : ∀ x -> incR x 0 ≡ x
incR0 x = Rec-≡-intro
(runit {val x})
(ext (λ n → runit {inc x n}))
(proof-irrelevance _ _)