I'm trying to redirect to my price section of my webiste by the following link: https://www.paydomestic.com.br/#pricing
<a href="https://www.paydomestic.com.br/#pricing"></a>
Google chrome works correctly, already in firefox does not work.
but this only occurs via link, if you put the url "https://www.paydomestic.com.br/#pricing" and press enter in the browser works, but not via link!
why is that?
/*location.hash returns the anchor part of an URL as a string,
with hash (#) symbol included. */
//wait for page elements to load
//execute function only if the anchor exists in the URL address
window.onload = function() {if(location.hash){
//remove # from the string
var elId = location.hash.replace('#','');
//locate the anchored element on the page by its ID property
var scrollToEl = document.getElementById(elId);
//scroll to the anchored element