The following is my log file,
sa 4011 1259 3840 15 4864 19 156
sa 4011 1267 3840 15 5120 20 157
sa 4011 1275 3840 15 5376 21 158
sa 4010 1282 3072 3 1024 1 56
sd 4010 1283 2048 2 1024 1 41 QIO1
sa 4011 1283 3840 15 5632 22 159
sd 4011 1291 3584 14 5632 22 114 QIO1
sa 4011 1291 3840 15 5632 22 161
sa 4011 1299 3840 15 5888 23 162
sa 4011 1307 3840 15 6144 24 163
sa 4010 1314 3072 3 1024 1 60
sa 4011 1315 3840 15 6400 25 164
sd 4010 1323 2048 2 1024 1 46 QIO1
sa 4011 1323 3840 15 6656 26 166
I want to do a conditional plot, based on the second column. My x axis should be column 3, y axis should be column 5. Since I have two different elements in column 2 (4010 and 4011), I need to use two colours. For example,
red can be used to represent the sa and sd of 4010 and blue can be used to represent the sa and sd of 4010
I tried to do the above using gnuplot but could not succeed due to Gnuplot: conditional plotting ($2 == 15 ? $2 : '1/0') with lines
I am trying to do this using matpyplot, but I am new to it. Can someone guide me how to proceed. This is how far I got.
import numpy as np
import pylab as pl
data = np.loadtxt('data.log')
# plot the 3rd column as x, and 5th column as y
pl.plot(data[:,3], data[:,5], 'ro')
Thanks again.
Thanks for all your comments. Here is what I finally resorted to.
cat data.log | grep "^[sa|sd]" | while read l; do i=`echo $l |awk '{print $2}'`; echo $l >> ${i}.log; done
I got the two files 4010.log and 4011.log
set terminal png
set output 'overlay_image.png'
set xtic auto # set xtics automatically
set ytic auto
set yrange [0:63]
set autoscale
set grid
set title "queue size vs time (in ns)"
set xlabel "time (in ns)"
set ylabel "queue size"
set style data linespoints
plot "4010.log" using 3:5 title "IQ 0", \
"4011.log" using 3:5 title "IQ 1"