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Incorrect structure of XML generated in SQL

Iv had another problem, i just change my UNION to UNION ALL and it work correctly but i want to add another XML path (at the beginning) - this will be a const for both querys.

(SELECT 1 AS "ns0:kindOfItem",
code AS "ns0:wholeCode",
REPLACE(weight, ',', '.') AS "ns0:weight",
1 AS "ns0:ammountOfNumbers",
(SELECT price AS "ns0:value",
'EUR' as "ns0:currency"
FOR XML PATH ('ns0:sendedItems'), TYPE),
'EUR' as "ns0:currency"
FOR XML PATH ('ns0:present'), TYPE)
FROM [PL].[dbo].[dk_documents] where id in (1,2,3)


(SELECT 1 AS "ns0:kindOfItem",
code AS "ns0:wholeCode",
REPLACE(weight, ',', '.') AS "ns0:weight",
1 AS "ns0:ammountOfNumbers",
(SELECT price AS "ns0:value",
'EUR' as "ns0:currency"
FOR XML PATH ('ns0:sendedItems'), TYPE),
'EUR' as "ns0:currency"
FOR XML PATH ('ns0:present'), TYPE)
FROM [PL2].[dbo].[dk_documents] where id in (1,2,3)
FOR XML PATH('test'))

It work correctly but i want sth like this :

SELECT 1 as test,
(SELECT 1 AS "ns0:kindOfItem",
code AS "ns0:wholeCode",
REPLACE(weight, ',', '.') AS "ns0:weight",
1 AS "ns0:ammountOfNumbers",
(SELECT price AS "ns0:value",
'EUR' as "ns0:currency"
FOR XML PATH ('ns0:sendedItems'), TYPE),
'EUR' as "ns0:currency"
FOR XML PATH ('ns0:present'), TYPE)
FROM [PL].[dbo].[dk_documents] where id in (1,2,3)


(SELECT 1 AS "ns0:kindOfItem",
code AS "ns0:wholeCode",
REPLACE(weight, ',', '.') AS "ns0:weight",
1 AS "ns0:ammountOfNumbers",
(SELECT price AS "ns0:value",
'EUR' as "ns0:currency"
 FOR XML PATH ('ns0:sendedItems'), TYPE),
'EUR' as "ns0:currency"
FOR XML PATH ('ns0:present'), TYPE)
FROM [PL2].[dbo].[dk_documents] where id in (1,2,3)
FOR XML PATH('test'))
FOR XML PATH('anotherPath')

i got this error:

    Only one expression can be specified in the select list when the subquery is not introduced with EXISTS.

Output should be like

     <>All of tese columns from QUERY with union ALL</>

Just an example :


   SELECT 1 as test,
          2 as anotherOne,
   (SELECT id, symbol  from table1
    WHERE id in (1,2,3)
   SELECT id, nrdok from table2
   WHERE id in (4,5,6))as yolo
   FOR XML PATH('test')

It gives me an output :

 <test xmlns="Dummy">
   <id xmlns="Dummy">1</id>
   <symbol xmlns="Dummy">test10</symbol>
   <id xmlns="Dummy">2</id>
   <symbol xmlns="Dummy">test10</symbol>
   <id xmlns="Dummy">3</id>
   <symbol xmlns="Dummy">test10</symbol>
   <id xmlns="Dummy">4</id>
   <symbol xmlns="Dummy">test11</symbol>
   <id xmlns="Dummy">5</id>
   <symbol xmlns="Dummy">test11</symbol>
   <id xmlns="Dummy">6</id>
   <symbol xmlns="Dummy">test11</symbol>

And i want :

  <test xmlns="Dummy">


  • As pointed out at your previous question the repeated namespaces are not wrong, just annoying, and - if there are many and long URIs, they can blow up your XML to remarkable size...

    There I placed a link to a related question already. The trick is to create the XML without the namespace and add the namespace in the finaly SELECT ... FOR XML PATH only:

    But I must admit, that after a long while of trial and error I found, that there seem to be a bug if the DEFAULT namespace is involved. Any approach I tried led to either repeated namespace declarations or to repeated empty namespace declarations.

    So the only solution I could find is this (I go to wash my fingers now :-) ):

    DECLARE @table1 TABLE(id INT,symbol VARCHAR(100));
     (1,'Test 1')
    ,(2,'Test 2')
    ,(3,'Test 3')
    ,(4,'Test 4');
    DECLARE @nordic_table2 TABLE(id INT,nrdok VARCHAR(100));
    INSERT INTO @nordic_table2 VALUES
     (1,'Test 1')
    ,(2,'Test 2')
    ,(3,'Test 3')
    ,(4,'Test 4');
    DECLARE @XmlWithoutNamespace XML=
     SELECT 1 as test
           ,2 as anotherOne
               SELECT * 
                SELECT id, symbol  from @table1
                WHERE id in (1,2,3)
                UNION ALL
                SELECT id, nrdok from @nordic_table2
                WHERE id in (4,5,6)
               ) AS yolo
               FOR XML PATH(''),TYPE
     FOR XML PATH('')
        '<test xmlns="Dummy">'
        CAST(@XmlWithoutNamespace AS NVARCHAR(MAX))
    AS XML);


    I strongly advise you to change your structure to this

    SELECT id AS [@id]
          ,symbol AS [*]
    SELECT id, symbol  from @table1
    WHERE id in (1,2,3)
    SELECT id, nrdok from @nordic_table2
    WHERE id in (4,5,6)
    ) AS yolo
    FOR XML PATH('symbol'),TYPE

    The result would be this, which is much better to read and to query...

    <test xmlns="Dummy">
      <symbol id="1">Test 1</symbol>
      <symbol id="2">Test 2</symbol>
      <symbol id="3">Test 3</symbol>
      <symbol id="4">Test 4</symbol>

    UPDATE 2: More Namespaces...

    It is actually really hard - almost impossible - to deal with namespaces properly. There is some highly developed logic within FOR XML PATH and in methods like .modify(). I tried several approaches but did not find a convincing one...

    The only way I found is very ugly. The trick is, to create 1-level-XML only (no nested elements from sub-selects!) and store them as strings. But before you cut away the root with the namespace declarations. Doing so you'll get invalid XML fragments.

    You concatenate them and CAST the whole lot in the last step back to XML.

    --Just a container to collect the XML parts
    --The final ",ROOT('xyz')" will force the namespace's declaration into the root node
    WITH XMLNAMESPACES('SomeTestUri' AS abc)
    INSERT INTO @CollectXML(Content)
         SELECT 1 as [abc:test]
               ,2 as anotherOne
         FOR XML PATH(''),ROOT('xyz'),TYPE
    --No we use ugly string manipulation to cut out the inner part without the namespace declaration
    UPDATE @CollectXML SET CleanedAsString=
        SELECT Rest
        FROM @CollectXML
        CROSS APPLY (SELECT CAST(Content AS NVARCHAR(MAX))) AS Casted(XmlAsString)
        CROSS APPLY (SELECT REVERSE(SUBSTRING(XmlAsString,CHARINDEX('>',XmlAsString)+1,LEN(XmlAsString)))) AS Cut1(part1Reverse)
        CROSS APPLY (SELECT REVERSE(SUBSTRING(part1Reverse,CHARINDEX('<',part1Reverse)+1,LEN(part1Reverse)))) AS Cut2(Rest)
        WHERE ID=1
    WHERE ID=1;
    --The same with the second part
    WITH XMLNAMESPACES('SomeTestUri' AS abc)
    INSERT INTO @CollectXML(Content)
        SELECT id AS [@abc:id]
              ,symbol AS [*]
        SELECT id, symbol  from @table1
        WHERE id in (1,2,3)
        UNION ALL
        SELECT id, nrdok from @nordic_table2
        WHERE id in (4,5,6)
        ) AS yolo
        FOR XML PATH('abc:symbol'),ROOT('xyz'),TYPE --the not needed root will take the namespace declaration out of the deeper elements
    --and the ugly string manipulation
    UPDATE @CollectXML SET CleanedAsString=
        SELECT Rest
        FROM @CollectXML
        CROSS APPLY (SELECT CAST(Content AS NVARCHAR(MAX))) AS Casted(XmlAsString)
        CROSS APPLY (SELECT REVERSE(SUBSTRING(XmlAsString,CHARINDEX('>',XmlAsString)+1,LEN(XmlAsString)))) AS Cut1(part1Reverse)
        CROSS APPLY (SELECT REVERSE(SUBSTRING(part1Reverse,CHARINDEX('<',part1Reverse)+1,LEN(part1Reverse)))) AS Cut2(Rest)
        WHERE ID=2
    WHERE ID=2;
    --The XML is put together and - as the very last step! - casted back to XML
        '<test xmlns="Dummy" xmlns:abc="SomeTestUri">'
        (SELECT CleanedAsString FROM @CollectXML WHERE ID=1)
        (SELECT CleanedAsString FROM @CollectXML WHERE ID=2)
    AS XML);

    The result for this

    <test xmlns="Dummy" xmlns:abc="SomeTestUri">
      <abc:symbol abc:id="1">Test 1</abc:symbol>
      <abc:symbol abc:id="2">Test 2</abc:symbol>
      <abc:symbol abc:id="3">Test 3</abc:symbol>
      <abc:symbol abc:id="4">Test 4</abc:symbol>