Search code examples

Angularjs nested directive scope ambiguity

I am creating a tabs directive which allows the user to add a tab.
Everything is working fine but the tab-entry directive is not reading the scope selected value in the node element which is used to set the active class.

Even if I change the scope selected to true in the tabs directive link > > > function, it does not reflect the change and active class is not set.


 _app_dashboard.directive('tabs' , function(){
            return {    
                    restrict  : 'EA',

                    controller : function($scope){

                        $scope.tabEntries = this.tabEntries  = [];

                        $ = function($event , item){

                                    //unselect All                                          
                                    this.tabEntries.forEach(function(tabentry , index){
                                    tabentry.selected = false;
                                    if(tabentry.heading == item){
                                        tabentry.selected = true;

                    template : '<div class = "tab-container"><ul><li ng-repeat = "tabentry in tabEntries"><a href=""  ng-click="select($event , tabentry.heading)">{{tabentry.heading}}</a></li></ul><div ng-transclude></div></div>',  

                    transclude : true,
                    replace : false 
        _app_dashboard.directive('tabEntry' , function(){
            return {    
                        restrict : "EA",
                        require : "^tabs",
                        scope : {
                            heading : "@",

                        template : '<div ng-transclude></div>',
                        transclude : true,

                        link : function(scope , ele , attr , ctrl , transcludeFn){
                            scope.tabCtrlScope = ctrl;
                            scope.selected = true;




<tabs >
    <tab-entry  heading = 'Tab1'  ng-class = "{'active' : selected}">
        <div>The is the content of tab 1</div>
    <tab-entry  heading = 'Tab2'  ng-class = "{'active' : selected}">
        <div>This is the content of tab 2</div>



tab-entry {
    display : none;
} {
    display : block;


  • You need to set property selected: '=' on scope declaration in your directive declaration to achieve two-way binding.

    var _app_dashboard = angular.module('app', []);
    _app_dashboard.directive('tabs' , function(){
                return {    
                        restrict  : 'EA',
                        controller : function($scope){
                            $scope.tabEntries = this.tabEntries  = [];
                            $ = function($event , item){
                                        //unselect All                                          
                                        this.tabEntries.forEach(function(tabentry , index){
                                        tabentry.selected = false;
                                        if(tabentry.heading == item){
                                            tabentry.selected = true;
                        template : '<div class = "tab-container"><ul><li ng-repeat = "tabentry in tabEntries"><a href=""  ng-click="select($event , tabentry.heading)">{{tabentry.heading}}</a></li></ul><div ng-transclude></div></div>',  
                        transclude : true,
                        replace : false 
            _app_dashboard.directive('tabEntry' , function(){
                return {    
                            restrict : "EA",
                            require : "^tabs",
                            scope : {
                                heading : "@",
                                selected: '='
                            template : '<div ng-transclude></div>',
                            transclude : true,
                            link : function(scope , ele , attr , ctrl , transcludeFn){
                                scope.tabCtrlScope = ctrl;
                                scope.selected = true;
    tab-entry {
        display : none;
    } {
        display : block;
    <script src=""></script>
    <div ng-app="app">
    <tabs >
        <tab-entry  heading = 'Tab1' selected="selected1"  ng-class = "{'active' : selected1}">
            <div>The is the content of tab 1</div>
        <tab-entry  heading = 'Tab2' selected="selected2"   ng-class = "{'active' : selected2}">
            <div>This is the content of tab 2</div>