I am learning about In-App Purchase provided by Apple. So I was following this tutorial : http://www.appcoda.com/in-app-purchase-tutorial/
I followed all the steps in this tutorial. Firstly, I created an app id,and then created an app in iTunes using that app id. Then I created two In-App purchase with product id as "com.outlines.feature1" and "com.outlines.feature2", both of them consumable. The rest of the code I simply followed the steps from the above tutorial
import UIKit
import StoreKit
protocol IAPurchaceViewControllerDelegate {
func didBuyColorsCollection(collectionIndex: Int)
class IAPurchaceViewController: UIViewController, UITableViewDelegate, UITableViewDataSource, SKProductsRequestDelegate, SKPaymentTransactionObserver {
@IBOutlet weak var tblProducts: UITableView!
var delegate: IAPurchaceViewControllerDelegate!
var selectedProductIndex: Int!
var transactionInProgress = false
let productIdentifiers = NSSet(array: ["com.outlines.feature1", "com.outlines.feature2"])
var product: SKProduct?
var productsArray = Array<SKProduct>()
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do any additional setup after loading the view.
tblProducts.delegate = self
tblProducts.dataSource = self
//checks whether the In-App feature is activated or not
func requestProductInfo(){
if SKPaymentQueue.canMakePayments() {
let request = SKProductsRequest(productIdentifiers:
productIdentifiers as! Set<String>)
print("This is the request to be sent \(request)")
request.delegate = self
request.start()//calls productsRequest() function
else {
print("Cannot perform In App Purchases.")
override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
// MARK: IBAction method implementation
@IBAction func dismiss(sender: AnyObject) {
dismissViewControllerAnimated(true, completion: nil)
// MARK: UITableView method implementation
func numberOfSectionsInTableView(tableView: UITableView) -> Int {
return 1
func tableView(tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
return productsArray.count
func tableView(tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier("idCellProduct", forIndexPath: indexPath) as UITableViewCell
let product = productsArray[indexPath.row]
cell.textLabel?.text = product.localizedTitle
cell.detailTextLabel?.text = product.localizedDescription
return cell
func tableView(tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) {
selectedProductIndex = indexPath.row
tableView.cellForRowAtIndexPath(indexPath)?.selected = false
func tableView(tableView: UITableView, heightForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> CGFloat {
return 80.0
func productsRequest(request: SKProductsRequest, didReceiveResponse response: SKProductsResponse) {
if response.products.count != 0 {
for product in response.products {
productsArray.append(product as SKProduct)
else {
print("There are no products.")
if response.invalidProductIdentifiers.count != 0 {
print("Invalid "+response.invalidProductIdentifiers.description)
func showActions() {
if transactionInProgress {
let actionSheetController = UIAlertController(title: "IAPDemo", message: "What do you want to do?", preferredStyle: UIAlertControllerStyle.ActionSheet)
let buyAction = UIAlertAction(title: "Buy", style: UIAlertActionStyle.Default) { (action) -> Void in
let payment = SKPayment(product: self.productsArray[self.selectedProductIndex] as SKProduct)
self.transactionInProgress = true
let cancelAction = UIAlertAction(title: "Cancel", style: UIAlertActionStyle.Cancel) { (action) -> Void in
presentViewController(actionSheetController, animated: true, completion: nil)
func paymentQueue(queue: SKPaymentQueue, updatedTransactions transactions: [SKPaymentTransaction]) {
for transaction in transactions as [SKPaymentTransaction] {
switch transaction.transactionState {
case SKPaymentTransactionState.Purchased:
print("Transaction completed successfully.")
transactionInProgress = false
case SKPaymentTransactionState.Failed:
print("Transaction Failed");
transactionInProgress = false
There are no errors, but the when I run it on iPhone, the console shows:
This is the request to be sent <SKProductsRequest: 0x15d86210>
There are no products.
Invalid ["com.outlines.feature1", "com.outlines.feature2"]
The console shows no products, however I have added two in-app features in my iTunes id. Here is the screenshot:
Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong??
I solved it finally. There were no errors in the code nor in the In-App purchase making process. The earlier solution mentioned to upload a snapshot was also not the issue.
The issue was the contract in the Agreements, Tax and Baking. It was not mentioned in the tutorial, but we need to complete a contract in the Agreements, Tax and Banking in the iTunes, which I had not done. After filling up the forms for the contract, it will be processed. Then the contract will be in effect and then the In-App Purchases created in the iTunes will be recognized.