Goal: To maintain the minimum startup period for bringing up instances to load balance and reduce the troubleshooting time.
Crux: Terminate the unhealthy instance and bring up the healthy instance with ami asap.
-- P.S: I have gone through many posts from [http://blog.kik.com/2016/03/09/using-packer-io-to-optimize-and-manage-ami-creation/] and https://alestic.com/.
But still unable to figure out a clear way to do it.
The simplest way to swap out a new AMI in an existing ASG is to update the launch config and then one by one kill any instance using the old AMI ID. The ASG will bring up new instances as needed, which should use the new AMI. If you want to get fancier (like keeping old instances alive for quick rollback) check out tools like Spinnaker which brings up each new AMI as a new corresponding ASG and then remaps the ELB to swap traffic over if no problems are detected, and then later on when you are sure the deploy is good it kills off the old ASG and all associated instances.