I have a program working for calculating the distance and then apply the k-means algorithm. I tested on a small list and it's working fine and fast, however, my original list is very big (>5000), so it's taking forever and I ended it up terminating the running. Can I use outer() or any other parallel function and apply it to the distance function to make this faster?? On the small set that I have:
strings = ['cosine cos', 'cosine', 'cosine???????', 'l1', 'l2', 'manhattan']
And its distance 3D array returns like this:
[[[ 0. 0.25 0.47826087 1. 1. 0.89473684]
[ 0.25 0. 0.36842105 1. 1. 0.86666667]
[ 0.47826087 0.36842105 0. 1. 1. 0.90909091]
[ 1. 1. 1. 0. 0.5 1. ]
[ 1. 1. 1. 0.5 0. 1. ]
[ 0.89473684 0.86666667 0.90909091 1. 1. 0. ]]]
Each line of the array above represents the distance for one item in the strings list. My way of doing it using the for loops is:
strings = ['cosine cos', 'cosine', 'cosine???????', 'l1', 'l2', 'manhattan']
data1 = []
for j in range(len(np.array(list(strings)))):
for i in range(len(strings)):
data1.append(1-Levenshtein.ratio(np.array(list(strings))[j], np.array(list(strings))[i]))
#n =(map(Levenshtein.ratio, strings))
#n =(reduce(Levenshtein.ratio, strings))
arr_3d = data2.reshape((1,k,k))
Where arr_3d
is the array above. How can I use any of outer() or map() to replace the for loops above, because when the list strings
is big, it's taking hours and never got the results even. I appreciate the help. Levenshtein.ratio is a built in funciton in python.
import numpy as np
strings = ['cosine cos', 'cosine', 'cosine???????', 'l1', 'l2', 'manhattan']
data = np.zeros((k,k))
for i,string1 in enumerate(strings):
for j,string2 in enumerate(strings):
data[i][j] = 1-Levenshtein.ratio(string1, string2)
print data
No gains to be had with map
or reduce
here, the loops need to be run as @user2357112 mentions, however, this is cleaner and should run faster since it avoids the np.array(list(strings))
you were using throughout.