I have a question. I am using DAS 3.0.1.
Trazablack is a postgres table.
I cant make a join with the event Trazafiltrada, it's was create with the next code:
define trigger FiveMinTriggerStream at every 5 min;
from FiveMinTriggerStream join Trazablack as t
select t.sensorValue as sensorValue
insert into TrazaFiltrada;
But, I want make a join with of other event different, I'm using the next code:
from sensorStream JOIN TrazaFiltrada
on sensorStream.sensorValue==TrazaFiltrada.sensorValue
select sensorStream.meta_timestamp, sensorStream.meta_sensorName,
sensorStream.correlation_longitude, sensorStream.correlation_latitude, sensorStream.sensorValue as valor1, TrazaFiltrada.sensorValue as valor2
insert into StreamPaso;
Trazablack TrazaFiltrada sensorStream
---------- ------------- -------------
156 156 156
170 170
85 85
My problem is that this query is null. Why?
I'm sorry, is important read the documentation for the next time.
WSO2 say:
Join takes two streams as the input
Each stream must have an associated window
It generates the output events composed of one event from each stream