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Select multiple values (or not) to pascal fields with relational tables mysql (mariadb)

sorry for another question but I'm not good with databases.

I'm developing a small application on Lazarus (Delphi like) and my application is just a couple of SQL statements, inside of my database I have this similar structure for phone storage.

tblUser uid uname udateofbirth uadress

tblPhoneNumber pid uid ptype pnumber

tblPhoneRelation uid pid

What I need to know is if SQL can provide a some kind of list when I'm doing a query with the phones, so I can split this list inside some fields.

With this code from another question, I can retrieve the 'max' number of each type of phone type, but the point is that I can have more than one number of the same kind, like 2 cell phone numbers, or 3 home numbers for example.

SELECT u.uname AS Name, u.udateofbirth AS 'Date of B.', 
   MAX(CASE WHEN p.ptype = 1 THEN p.pnumber END) AS 'Cell phone',
   MAX(CASE WHEN p.ptype = 2 THEN p.pnumber END) AS 'Home phone', 
   MAX(CASE WHEN p.ptype = 3 THEN p.pnumber END) AS 'Commercial phone',  
   MAX(CASE WHEN p.ptype = 4 THEN p.pnumber END) AS 'Message phone' 
FROM tblUser AS u 
   JOIN phonerelation ON u.uid = phonerelation.uid 
   JOIN tblPhoneNumber AS p ON =
GROUP BY 1, 2 

Any ideas inside SQL or need to create a for-while code inside of Lazarus retrieving each kind of phone at once? Like: try to find cell phones ... if cell phone count is < 4 try to find home phone... until I get some results.

Ty for the help.


  • Hope this will give you some ideas:

    SELECT u.uname AS Name, u.udateofbirth AS 'Date of B.', 
       p1.pnumber AS 'Cell phone',
       p2.pnumber AS 'Home phone', 
    FROM tblUser AS u
       LEFT JOIN (
          select pnumber, uid 
          from phonerelation JOIN 
            tblPhoneNumber AS p ON = WHERE p.ptype = 1) p1
          ON u.uid = p1.uid
       LEFT JOIN (
          select pnumber, uid 
          from phonerelation JOIN 
            tblPhoneNumber AS p ON = WHERE p.ptype = 2) p2
          ON u.uid = p2.uid
    -- Grouping is not needed here