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trouble adding 2 or more images to the pane Javafx

I'm programming an easy version of BlackJack in javafx but I lost my road home I guess! I need to show cards in 2 rows when I click hit button. How can I add different images in a row when I click a button? I tried to use GridPane and BorderPane but the images are shown at the same place... I know I need a for loop for each time I press the button but I'm not sure how to do it.. I made the same game in java swing and it went well

Desired layout

I want something like this

current layout

but in javafx i cant get out of this

here is my loadImage method

    public void ImageloadP(Card xPCard) {
        String xP = xPCard.toString();
        Image card = new Image("file:/Users/cetabije/Desktop/Apa/src/cards.png/" + xP + ".png");
        ImageView xPv = new ImageView(card);


  • This can be done with a GridPane, but you have to specify the column/row index to prevent the Nodes to be placed at the same position.

    The following example uses Rectangles for simplicity, but it works with any Node type:

    private Color color = Color.BLACK;
    public void start(Stage primaryStage) {
        GridPane gridPane = new GridPane(); 
        Button btn = new Button("Add Rect");
        // add node specifying column and row index
        gridPane.add(btn, 0, 0);
        gridPane.setStyle("-fx-background-color: lime;");
        btn.setOnAction((ActionEvent event) -> {
            color = color.brighter();
            Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle(20, 20);
            // append rect to second row
            gridPane.addRow(1, rectangle);
        Scene scene = new Scene(gridPane, 500, 500);

    Note that if you use gridPane.getChildren().add(node) the default column/row index (0) is used, unless a different position is assigned in the properties of node using GridPane.setConstraints, GridPane.setRowIndex or GridPane.setColumnIndex

    Note that BorderPane is not the correct Parent to display multiple nodes next to each other unless they fit the "role" of top, left, center, right and/or bottom node (which isn't the case in your scenario).