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Why can't I use slideUp() for two different events for the same element?

I have this session message:

<div class="alert alert-success session-message text-center">
    <a href="#" class="pull-right close-message">&times;</a>

And I have this jQuery code:


As this code stands, when I click the × button, the message does not slideUp. However, if I comment out the delay part, clicking on the × does what I want it to do:

    // $('.session-message').delay(2000).slideUp();

Furthermore, if I change the click animation from slideUp() to anything else, like fadeOut(), it still doesn't work. But if I change it to something like hide(), it does work.

What am I doing wrong? What can I do so that I can click to slideUp() the message or just wait for it to slideUp() after 2 seconds?


  • You should use .stop() because you have registered animation queue for the element on DOM ready.

            // without the .stop(), it will wait until the first animation in queue is done
       // registered animation queue for the element on DOM ready:

    <script src=""></script>
    <div class="alert alert-success session-message text-center">
        <a href="#" class="pull-right close-message">&times;</a>

    (...) But if I change it to something like hide(), it does work

    Because .hide() is not an animation and therefore it's not in the animations queue.