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Analyse multiple choice questions with multiple choice answers based on categories

I have a dataframe that looks like this

Country    <- rep(c("Austria", "Austria","Belgium", "Belgium", "Spain", "Slovenia", "France"), times=3)
Institute  <- rep(c("Inst 1","Inst 2","Inst 3","Inst 4","Inst 5","Inst 6","Inst 7"), times=3)
Ans        <- rep(c(1,2,3,1,NA,2,2),times=3)
Category.1 <- rep(c("Cat 1", "Cat 2", "Cat 2", "Cat 2","Cat 2", "Cat 1", "Cat 1"),times=3)
Category.2 <- rep(c("P", "L", "M", "P", "P", "L", "M"),times=3)
qs  <- c(rep("Q1.a-Some Text", times=7),rep("Q1.b-Some Text", times=7), rep("Q1.c-Some Text", times=7))    
df <- data.frame(Country=Country,Institute=Institute, Category.1=Category.1, Category.2=Category.2, qs=qs, Ans=Ans)
df<-df %>% spread(qs,Ans)

 Country Institute Category.1 Category.2 Q1.a-Some Text Q1.b-Some Text Q1.c-Some Text
1  Austria    Inst 1      Cat 1          P              1              1              1
2  Austria    Inst 2      Cat 2          L              2              2              2
3  Belgium    Inst 3      Cat 2          M              3              3              3
4  Belgium    Inst 4      Cat 2          P              1              1              1
5   France    Inst 7      Cat 1          M              2              2              2
6 Slovenia    Inst 6      Cat 1          L              2              2              2

Short explanation of the dataframe: There is some question, say Q1, and for this question there are multiple "Sub-questions", say a,b,c, where for each of these "sub-question/options" respondents were asked to answer using some scale, in this example from 1 to 3. My scope is to calculate the relative frequencies for each subquestion, of each response. So, I use this function:

multichoice<-function(data, question.prefix){
  index<-grep(question.prefix, names(data))    # identifies the index for the available options in Q.12
  cases<-length(index)                # The number of possible options / columns 

  # Identify the range of possible answers for each question 
  # Step 1. Search for the min in each col and across each col choose the min
  # step 2. Search for the max in each col and across each col choose the max 

  mn<-min(data[,index[1:cases]], na.rm=T)
  mx<-max(data[,index[1:cases]], na.rm=T)
  d = colSums(data[, index] != 0, na.rm = TRUE)  # The number of elements across column vector, that are different from zero. 


  for(j in 1:cases){
    for(i in mn:mx){
      vec[i,j]=sum(data[, index[j]] == i, na.rm = TRUE)/d[j]  # This stores the relative responses for option j for the answer that is i


Calling, the function I get the desired dataframe.

q1  <-,"^Q1")) 

                     V1  V2        V3
Q1.a-Some Text 0.3333333 0.5 0.1666667
Q1.b-Some Text 0.3333333 0.5 0.1666667
Q1.c-Some Text 0.3333333 0.5 0.1666667

Which shows that for option "a", 33% of participants answered with 1, 50% with 2 etc ...


I want to calculate, the same but conditional on the categories. So, I want to see how the relative frequencies will look like based on category1, category2. Can someone suggest me something on how I can do this ?


  • I think you could make your code more flexible by keeping your data in a long format (that is, don't do df<-df %>% spread(qs,Ans)) and using dplyr, e.g.:

    This part essentially reproduces functionality of your multichoice function:

    df %>% 
        group_by(qs,Ans) %>% 
        summarize(total=n()) %>% 
        filter(! %>% 
        mutate(frac=total/sum(total)) %>% 
    #               qs         1   2         3
    # 1 Q1.a-Some Text 0.3333333 0.5 0.1666667
    # 2 Q1.b-Some Text 0.3333333 0.5 0.1666667
    # 3 Q1.c-Some Text 0.3333333 0.5 0.1666667

    And this one gives an example how it can be modified to take into account categories.

    df %>% 
        group_by(qs,Category.1,Ans) %>% 
        summarize(total=n()) %>% 
        filter(! %>% 
        mutate(frac=total/sum(total)) %>% 
    #               qs   1_Cat 1   1_Cat 2   2_Cat 1   2_Cat 2   3_Cat 2
    # 1 Q1.a-Some Text 0.3333333 0.3333333 0.6666667 0.3333333 0.3333333
    # 2 Q1.b-Some Text 0.3333333 0.3333333 0.6666667 0.3333333 0.3333333
    # 3 Q1.c-Some Text 0.3333333 0.3333333 0.6666667 0.3333333 0.3333333