I'm trying to pass a completionHandler as a parameter in a function (no problem here). My problem is that I have multiple precise Types possible that I can recieve in my completionHandler function.
So I thought, "Let's use templates", and I tried.
This is the scheme I want to use: FuncA(completionHandler as MyType?) -> FuncB(..){completionHandler(Mappable?)} -> FuncC(sender: T?){performSegueWithIdentifier("segue", sender)}
Problem: Func A is printing me an error Func B seems to be ok Func C seems to be ok
Do you guy know how to do that, I'm not used to templates yet ?? Thanks for any help :)
I don't believe you can cast completionHandler like that in a method signature. You're going to need to do your typecasting inside the method body. e.g.
typealias handler = () -> Array<AnyObject>
func funcA<T>(completion: T?) -> funcB {
if let completion = completion as? handler {
let array = completion()
//do whatever you want here