How this will work normally?
Hi I have created a simple Rest service:
public String sayhello(){
String name="Hello";
return name;
And calling it using $resource from angular's MIME Service and controller like this:
service.factory('Tester', function ($resource) {
return $resource('http://localhost:8080/Resource/rest/SayHello', {}, {
test: { method: 'GET',isArray: false ,cache : false },
And in the controller I am calling a REST service through Tester Service:
Tester.test({},function success(response){
console.log("Tester Success: "+JSON.stringify(response));
function error(errorResponse){
console.log("Tester Error: "+JSON.stringify(errorResponse));
Now on printing this "output" in template {{output}}
It is displaying it in json Format - {"0":"H","1":"e","2":"l","3":"l","4":"o"}
rather than 'Hello'.
Using $http
it working, but not using $resource
. I there any solution?
Thanks in advance.
It looks like duplicate of that question. I made quick proof of concept and I got same issue. Simply you can wrap your message into something like that
"message": "Hello"